恭喜莫佩琳於通利音樂文化盃2024 Piano solo- Piano lesson Made Easy Level 2 組別獲得冠軍繼續努力加油Congratulations !
Tsang Long Ting got Merit at Grade 2 solo competition in 71st School Music Festival. I hope he will continue to work hard on playing the piano. Congratulations!
Prize awarded to the following students: NG YAN HO, WONG HOI TUNG, MA YING YI, WONG CHI FUNG, TSANG LONG TING
Tsang Long Ting was awarded certificate in outstanding performance in 2018 Recital held on 8 September 2018.
Tsang Long Ting got 3rd prize at Grade 2 piano solo at 70th HK School Music Festival competition. I hope he will have promising progress on piano playing. Word hard and Congratulations!
為祝賀粱詩穎同學以優異成績考獲 Trinity College London LTCL 演奏文憑, 梁老師在今年 IKA 音樂會送贈一條高音譜號項鍊給予梁同學, 項鍊上刻上 “藝不凡” 以作勉勵她在琴藝上在未來日子裡更上一層樓。