儘管本港的疫情感染數字持續高企,仍不減家長及同學對本屆音樂會的期望及熱誠。因此,我們早於音樂會舉行前的大半年,已為音樂會事宜作出準備。美樂薈音樂會2022最終在家長及同學的支持下,於2022年9月3日, 在香港大會堂高座8樓演奏廳順利舉行。多謝各位來賓出席及各同學的努力及投入的演出,以上是在當天音樂會所拍攝的花絮相片。
美樂貝卡音樂會於2018年9月8日在大會堂音樂廳順利舉行, 與徐老師合作﹑和吳老師的合奏, 加上學生的落力表演, 家長﹑觀眾們的支持, 成就了今年的音樂會, 謝謝你們 , 期待日後有更好的演出 。
IKA Recital 2017 is jointly organised by piano teachers Ms Iris LEUNG(I)、Mr.Kaspar WONG(K) and Agnes SHUM(A)。The recital was successfully held on 19 August 2017 at the Recital Hall of City Hall and received an enthusiastic response from students and their parents. Students participated in the recital gained experience in stage performance as well as got […]
The IKA Students Recital Concert jointly held by teachers Ms Iris LEUNG, Mr. Kaspar Wrong and Ms Agnes SHUM was successfully held on 3 September 2016 at the Recital Hall of City Hall in Central. Through the performance and rehearsal, students gain in-depth experience in stage performance. It greatly enhances students interest in piano learning […]
Student Recital 2015 Students who want to make good progress in learning piano should not only practice it at home , but also occasionally participate in live performances. Through live performance, students can gain stage experience, interact with other students, and enhance their musical knowledge to improve learning progress. As a result, Miss Leung often [...]